God deserves the worship of every tribe, tongue, and nation. We believe that it is the church’s unique call and privilege to be used to accomplish this great task by taking the gospel of salvation found only in Jesus to the ends of the earth for His glory!
Two millennia after this commission, even still, the task is daunting. There still exists 7,079 people groups, some 3.15 billion people, without any viable access to the gospel. And so, God is still at work inviting people into His work to“Go and make disciples of all nations!” Have you heard the call?
Through this Missions Cohort, we want to partner with God in training and sending missionaries around the world to places where Jesus has still yet to be named. If you feel that God has called you or your family to be a part of what He is doing around the world, we’d love to encourage, equip, and envision with you what it would look like for you to be a part of this great work!
If you are interested in discovering more, we invite you to fill out the initial application online (be sure to select “Missions” from the drop-down menu).